Practical Rebels Episode 11: Attracting Capital & Customers with Kelly Reeser of TechFarms Capital

Kelly and Veronique are headed to speak at the Synapse Summit in Tampa next week! But first, they give a peek into what they’ll be covering on the latest episode of the Practical Rebels podcast!

The world of startups and brand go hand in hand – and Kelly Reeser of TechFarms Capital joins us to talk about what they look for when considering an investment. Listen in to hear more about how product and messaging go hand and hand to attract customers and, as a result, investment.

In the Tampa area? Catch them on March 28th and learn more at

How Do You Define Your Brand’s Target Audience?

How Do You Define Your Brand’s Target Audience?

What is a target audience? What are examples of target audiences? Once defined, how do you reach your target audience? At HatchMark Studio, we have a brand-first approach to marketing for all of our clients. That means that we’ve seen a lot of brand clients come...

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